Silk-road Universities Network (세계실크로드대학연맹)


General Assembly

The 9th General Assembly of SUN

작성자 ADMINISTRATOR 날짜 2025-01-15 02:28:41 조회수 76

1. Arrival Day

Preliminary Events 

(November 11th, 2024) 


2. Formal Starting Day 

Opening Ceremony,

Proceeding of the General Assembly, IASS Conference 

(November 12th. 2024) 


3. Cultural Tour Day 

(November 13th, 2024) 


4. UPSUN/USSUN Workshop, 

Board Meeting


IASS Academic Conference 

(November 14th, 2024)


5. Closing Ceremony 


Farewell Dinner Party 

(November 14th, 2024)

Pictures by Euihwan Cho 


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